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CPO APPROVED Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) Certification Part 2

Joint Health and Safety Committee (Part 2) CPO Approved Two (2) Days 8 Hours out of every day – 8:30am – 4:30pm Course Content: Approved by The Chief Prevention Officer of the Ministry of Labor, Training, and Skills Development. Our lead teacher for this program has been a functioning individual from a JHSC for more than 28 years and brings an abundance of health and safety information and useful experience to the program. We will not be perusing out of a reading material in this program. Our program is dynamic, intelligent, active, and destined to be an extraordinary learning experience. All vital training hardware is given by Phascorp. Program Objectives: Upon effective culmination of an approved program, confirmed individuals will have the information and abilities expected to satisfy their administered obligations as JHSC guaranteed individuals and will actually want to help the workplace parties in understanding their jobs as a feature of the IRS in forestalling wo


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